Augmented Reality Print Marketing

Based on the increased uptake, we see brands like Hewlett Packard, Home Depot and Kinder leading the park when it comes to the use of augmented reality in print marketing. Shockingly, Only 1% of retailers are currently using AR or VR (Virtual Reality) in their customer buying experience. These brands have understood the potential of incorporating Augmented Reality in Print Marketing.

So, what makes AR print marketing better than the use of traditional print advertising?

Augmented Reality Print Marketing

In this post, we examine the benefits of using augmented reality in print marketing. Therefore, if you are contemplating the reasons to switch from traditional advertising to AR print marketing, here are some of the benefits you stand to enjoy.

Enjoy higher Brand Engagement and Brand Visibility

With AR in print marketing, brands can reach a wider audience. This is considering that the modern savvy customers use mobile devices, which allow them to share whatever they come across with their social media connections. Eventually, brands will enjoy greater brand engagement.

Better Ad Tracking

Another benefit of using augmented reality in advertising has to do with Ad tracking. The reality is that traditional print advertising made it harder for the businesses to track ad engagement and even determine the kind of ads that got higher engagement. However, Augmented Reality in print marketing will enable brands to track ad engagements.

Increased Ad Recall Rate

New experiences result to higher recall rate. Therefore, brands that are looking to increase the engagement rate and ensure an increased Ad recall rate are switching to Augmented Reality In printing. This trend is resulting in increased conversions, as the audience converts to customers.

When it comes to Augmented Reality in print marketing, brands need to ensure they employ the best practices. Here are some of the best practices for AR print marketing :

1.      Enable Web AR and App AR

Web AR and App AR are the two primary ways for people to experience AR. Web AR refers to application of web-based AR in marketing. On the other hand, App AR refers to application of application-based AR allowing brands to advertise a wide range of features in a user-friendly manner.

2.      Ensure Well Designed Tracking Image

Image tracking technology enables AR apps and Web AR to detect, track and augment 2D images.  The multiple target functionality enables the tracking of more than one image at a time. Ensuring a well designed tracking image will transform your experience when it comes to application of Augmented Reality in print marketing.

3.      Ensure Interactivity / Creative Artwork

Creative artwork in AR ensures increased interactivity. Therefore, advertisers need to come up with better artwork to encourage ad interactivity. Otherwise, they will experience a lower ad interaction.


The traditional print marketing is bound to become obsolete in the near future. This is as brands switch to AR powered advertising, a trend that will see better Ad deployment and increased ROI. What are you waiting for? Switch to AR powered marketing to enjoy the benefits we have listed in this post.


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