Prescription Bag Advertisement
CPM is a widely used KPI that defines the cost per thousand advertisement impressions. Commonly used for digital, cost per impression is applied to assess the cost-effectiveness and profitability of online advertising. Its been broadly attempted to measure ROI for OOH segment and to understand how ROI models interpret OOH contributions. Although several techniques exists for OOH and key metrics as Daily Effective Circulation (DEC), ie. number of vehicles and pedestrians that pass a billboard per day and Opportunity to Contact (OTC), i.e. how many people could walk past and see your outdoor advert, it is challenging to precisely measure how many impressions a billboard generates and the level of brand lift that it will trigger in the audience. The unconventional use of Prescription Bags and its CPM measurement Advertisement on prescription bags is a segment of ambient advertising: a concept based on placing advertisement on unusual items or in unusual places you wou...