Golf Course Advertisement
Creative advertising does not limit itself to traditional media. Today, advertisers are increasing their focus on non-traditional mediums due to the shifting dynamics insofar as advertising is concerned. Unconventional mediums like golf course advertising , offers a unique opportunity for advertisers to target a particular type of audience precisely. What you should know about golf course advertising Golf Course Advertisement The golf industry is one of the most exclusive in the world, one that attracts the who is who’s of any society. In California alone, the total economic output of the industry is an overwhelming $15.1 billion. Between 2006 and 2018, the number of participants in the US golf industry was approximately 24.2 million. It speaks to the popularity of a game that many wrongly believe is unpopular. Interestingly, golfing is a crowd puller. For instance, The Masters attracts close to 50,000 patrons daily. This considerable crowd offers an excellent opportunity to mark...