Coffee Cup Ads
Ambient media refers to the usage of publicity-grabbing events by utilizing contextual elements of the target groups. The placement of advertising in unusual and unexpected places often with unconventional methods and being first or only ad execution to do so. In-the-Hand ads leverages daily consumables as vehicles / ad spaces to trigger a surprise effect in the audience. These vehicles can be pizza boxes, drink coasters, prescription bags, coffee cups, dry cleaner hangers, door hangers. Guerrilla marketing is an advertisement strategy in which a company uses surprise and/or unconventional interactions in order to promote a product or service. The core principle of the guerrilla approach is to surprise consumers with unexpected activities in order to draw their attention to the advertising message. Surprise leads to a change in the cognitive activation. Coffee Cup Ads: How does it work? Coffee Cup Ads is a unconventional way to surprise your aud...