Advertising Coasters

Other unconventional and creative method is In-the-Hand Advertising using vehicles as prescription bags, coffee cups, pizza boxes, drink coasters, door hangers, hotel key cards, shopping bags.

Advertising coasters: how does it work?

The logo and message of the advertiser are printed on bar/restaurant coasters and distributed to the network of venues. Specific targeting is enabled with an in-house technology to profile the demographic region and pick addresses according to the campaign plan.

Coasters Impact: high assimilation of the message

Advertising Coasters is a creative option to spread your message in a relaxing environment. The venue places the coasters on the dining or bar tables generating a direct impact on consumer who receives the message in their hands. This is  makes it guaranteed impressions, as they have to take the coaster in their hands. Approximately 1,500 coasters/month can be distributed by each venue generating estimated 0.7M of impressions/month. The ‘unusualty’ raises level of interest in consumer and hence their willingness to expend cognitive effort to process message.
Bar coasters are viewed by on average 4-6 other people in a relaxing environment enabling your target audience to better assimilate your message. Bar coasters advertising programs can be run locally or nationwide. Most of the metropolitan regions are covered.

Advertising on bar coasters
Advertising coasters: low costs
The costs of billboards depends on format, circulation and demographics. Traditional billboards can cost between $14,000 and 20,000/month in larger markets.
For the same cost, the advertiser can place its message on 40,000 bar coasters at 20 different venues during the same time frame.


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